Our Board of Directors
Montessori Learning Center is a non-profit corporation consisting of all parents whose children are enrolled in the school, and it is administered by a Board of Directors. The school has always relied heavily on parental involvement. Parental involvement is a must for our school to reach its goal of providing quality education. All members of the school are urged to participate by attending board meetings, voting on decisions affecting the school, running for office, agreeing to serve on a committee, or helping with fund-raisers for the school.
There are nine (9) members of the Board of Directors consisting of the four (4) elected officers and four (4) members-at-large and the previous year’s president. They are elected for two (2) year terms.
Courtney Simpson
Past President
Amanada Wiley
Vice President
Morgan Smith
Emma Belmain
KC Williams
Stephen Arrowsmith
Kent Tinsley
Love Hawkins
Alex Cagel
Ali Hosier
School Director
Stephanie Glover